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Medical Information

Our Purpose

The programme addresses work-related stress and will contribute to the enhancement of professional relationships with stakeholders, colleagues and, most importantly, the people that healthcare professionals are expected to make healthy again. 

The purpose of this programme is to provide a pathway that supports the ongoing personal and professional development of healthcare practitioners. More significantly, it contributes to the development of a robust, resilient healthcare work force that is currently beleaguered with many stressful issues, not least of which are challenges relating to: mental and emotional health, financial security, work life balance, major technological change, increased administration and serious burnout. All of this is present in healthcare professions worldwide while practitioners strive diligently to deliver ethical, high quality interventions.


This programme does not focus on MedTech, scientific, or clinical aspects of the work that practitioners deliver. Instead, it deals with aspects related to being a human clinician looking after other humans in society. These modules have been scientifically developed from well-respected sources that have helped thousands of people deal with the pressures of a modern workplace in a context of rapid change. The programme addresses work-related stress and will contribute to the enhancement of professional relationships with stakeholders, colleagues and, most importantly, the people that healthcare professionals are expected to make healthy again. The programme has been carefully designed to help clinicians to continuously maintain the best version of themselves in one if the most challenging professional contexts where they literally have patients’ lives and wellbeing in their hands. It has been specifically formulated to assist in aligning behaviours that instil the highest levels of professional ethics in an industry embattled by so many extraneous forces including but not limited to COVID-19.


How is this delivered?

The programme consists of carefully crafted content that prompts significant levels of reflexivity. It creates a secure personal environment that takes the clinician on a journey of self-exploration while continually drawing on the human within. It supports the building of EQ (Emotional Quotient) to augment the high levels of intellect used daily when making life changing medical decisions. 


The modules incorporate self-evaluation techniques including questionnaires, associated feedback reports, practical insights and self-coaching, all of which have been crafted to enable individuals to be in the best versions of themselves more of the time. Each module is backed up with access to supplementary online supportive material. This should not be seen as a once-off training programme but, a medium of continued support throughout the career of practicing medicine.

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Earn up to 12 ethics points when completing the EQHI programme.

Receive platform certification.

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