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Specific Modular Outcomes

A major thread that runs through this programme is the deepening of participants’ understanding and awareness of self and others with the purpose of delivering the best possible outcomes in all their professional interactions. 

Enneagram Personality Profile

This module aims to provide significant insight into self and others. It aims to enhance participants’ ability to establish compassionate, supportive, high quality professional relationships.


Participants will complete a short online self-evaluation questionnaire and immediately receive a detailed written feedback report of their likely behaviour related to their personality profile based on the Enneagram model of human behaviour.


The report includes their Higher Self attributes along with behavioural patterns associated with their Lower Self. It also supplies insight into other personality styles that they are likely to encounter and provides tips on offering and receiving feedback, building trust, and dealing with conflict effectively.

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Man Hiking in Nature

Higher Self vs Lower Self

Participants complete a short online questionnaire resulting in a feedback report that enables them to further define how they present themselves most of the time (i.e. in Higher Self – in the best version of self; or Lower Self – a less than best version of self).


Resource materials are made available to enable deeper self-insight and provide some techniques for accessing Higher Self more frequently and sustainably.

Personal Mastery


Participants are familiarised with the concept of Personal Mastery and its six sub-factors which collectively provide insight into their levels of general effectiveness, their ability to learn from their experiences and to adapt to new situations with relative ease. Insights and reflection questions contained in this module are designed to prompt positive growth in Personal Mastery.


Based on a self-assessment questionnaire a feedback report is provided that aims to deepen personal awareness and offers individualised developmental input.


Emotional Resilience

The ability to build and maintain high levels of Emotional Resilience is crucial in order to deal effectively with challenging and stress-inducing circumstances. It enables individuals to remain calm, to think clearly and behave rationally. They are then less reactive and are more considered in their approach, even when quick decisions need to be made in high pressure situations. It implies a high level of emotional maturity and reduced internal stress.

On completion of an online self-evaluation questionnaire, participants will receive a written feedback report outlining their current level of Emotional Resilience.

Social Drives

The Social Drives are based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Barrett’s values based levels of consciousness model. Using the principle of ‘energy follows attention’ participants will identify their own main areas of concern related to their primary motivations.


These may relate to one or more of the following: self-care & personal survival, relationships & a sense of belonging, achievement & recognition, and the greater good.

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Professional Ethics

Participants will revisit the ethical basis of their profession at the core of which is the Hippocratic Oath.


Behaviours aligned with this ethical basis are highlighted with particular reference to patient and colleague interactions. At the end of this module, participants are invited to recommit to their professional ethics.

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