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Joni Peddie uses the Enneagram system of Personality, 
which is a dynamic system for learning about your behavioural triggers and drivers.
The idea of ‘personality type’ must be taken into consideration in every 
area of the workplace if organisations are to be effective and productive. 
Joni’s pragmatic coaching style helps people to understand that there are nine different points of view, nine different communication styles, and nine ways of solving problems. 
Joni helps individuals to identify their Enneagram Personality ‘assets’, which provide the foundation for their sustainable behaviour shifts.
Her coaching style is one of a ‘strengths-orientation’, helping the Coachee to find creative and innovative ways in which to ‘learn, unlearn and relearn’.
Self-awareness brings not just the capacity, 
but the inevitability of positive change! 


Cost outlined above is calculated per hour.

Coach - Joni Peddie

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